Press Release

DBRS Morningstar Publishes Final Corporate Credit Estimates Criteria

Services, Consumers, Industrials
October 06, 2023

DBRS Morningstar finalized its “DBRS Morningstar Global Criteria: Corporate Credit Estimates” (the Criteria).

The Criteria presents the framework for determining DBRS Morningstar corporate credit estimates (Credit Estimates) on a global basis. Credit Estimates are not credit ratings, but are private, limited assessments of a corporate debt issuer at a point in time. The Criteria provides for the use of a quantitative analytical tool, which is complemented by qualitative analysis, to determine Credit Estimates.

Per the press release dated August 4, 2023, in which market participants were invited to provide comments, the Criteria replaces “A Guide to DBRS Morningstar Corporate Credit Estimates,” dated August 27, 2021. No comments were received during the comment period, which ended on September 5, 2023. In connection with the finalization of the Criteria, DBRS Morning has also withdrawn and archived the North American and European Corporate Credit Estimate Model v. as of today.

The publication of the Criteria in final form does not result in any changes to any Credit Estimates, and therefore no DBRS Morningstar credit ratings (such as collateralized loan obligation credit ratings) that use Credit Estimates will change. Also, the publication of the Criteria does not change the existing information expectations to request Credit Estimates.

DBRS Morningstar methodologies are publicly available on its website under Methodologies & Criteria.

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