DBRS Morningstar Publishes Final Global Methodology for Rating Essential Digital Infrastructure
Project FinanceDBRS Morningstar finalized its Global Methodology for Rating Essential Digital Infrastructure (the Methodology).
The Methodology presents the criteria for which global essential digital infrastructure project finance transaction ratings are assigned and/or monitored.
Per the press release dated February 3, 2023, the comment period ended on March 6, 2023, and no comments were received. As noted in that press release, this is a new methodology but certain existing project finance ratings may be rated in the future using this methodology; nonetheless, no ratings are expected to change as a result of this.
Certain minor edits have been made in the final version including a correction to the cash-flow-to-debt lines in the long-term revenue contract section (Section A) in Table 2 on page 18, so that this summary of FRA metrics is consistent with those in Section A of Table 1 on page 12.
All comments received during the request for comment period have been published to the DBRS Morningstar website, except in cases where confidentiality is requested by the respondent.
DBRS Morningstar methodologies are publicly available on its website www.dbrsmorningstar.com under Methodologies & Criteria.
For more information on this methodology or on this industry, visit www.dbrsmorningstar.com or contact us at info@dbrsmorningstar.com.