DBRS Morningstar Releases Updated Risk Assessment Scorecard for Canadian Municipal Governments
Sub-Sovereign GovernmentsDBRS Limited (DBRS Morningstar) released an updated corporate risk assessment scorecard for Canadian municipal governments.
There were no Environmental/Social/Governance factor(s) that had a significant or relevant effect on the credit analysis.
A description of how DBRS Morningstar considers ESG factors within the DBRS Morningstar analytical framework can be found in the DBRS Morningstar Criteria: Approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Factors in Credit Ratings at https://www.dbrsmorningstar.com/research/396929/dbrs-morningstar-criteria-approach-to-environmental-social-and-governance-risk-factors-in-credit-ratings.
The principal methodology is Rating Canadian Municipal Governments (April 14, 2022; https://www.dbrsmorningstar.com/research/395253), which can be found on dbrsmorningstar.com under Methodologies & Criteria. Other applicable methodologies include the DBRS Morningstar Criteria: Approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Factors in Credit Ratings (May 17, 2022: https://www.dbrsmorningstar.com/research/396929).
The scorecard is available at www.dbrsmorningstar.com.
For more information on this industry, visit www.dbrsmorningstar.com or contact us at info@dbrsmorningstar.com.
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