European RMBS Insight Methodology (Archived)
RMBSRelated Documents
Press Release:
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on BEST 2010 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Delft 2020 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades Rating on ResLoc IT S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating of FT RMBS Prado III
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Sinopel 2019 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of EDML 2018-2 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on FT RMBS Prado VI
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on BBVA Empresas 4 FTA
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Alchera SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Ratings to POP NPLs 2020 S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of IM BCC Cajamar 2 FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Berica ABS 3 S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating of Vela RMBS S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Caixabank RMBS 3, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on FTA RMBS Santander 2
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of FT PYMES Santander 13
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Barley Hill No. 1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Barley Hill No. 1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating of Bastion 2020-1 NHG B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Lanterna Finance S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating on BBVA Empresas 4 FTA
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Ratings on Alchera SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Ratings on Castell 2017-1 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Dominato Leonense S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades Ratings on CR VOLTERRA 2 SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns AAA (sf) Rating to Essence VIII B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Miravet 2020-1
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on CaixaBank PYMES 8, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades Rating on Valconca SPV S.r.l. (RMBS)
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Green Apple 2019-I NHG B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Dolphin Master Issuer B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Three Essence Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Finsbury Square 2019-3 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns AAA (sf) Rating to Hypenn RMBS VII B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on IM Sabadell PYME 10, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on IM Sabadell PYME 11, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Three BBVA RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Eight BBVA RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Three Santander Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Ratings on IM Sabadell PYME 10, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Castell 2020-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to FT RMBS Prado VIII
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Miravet 2020-1
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to FT RMBS Santander 6
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Gemgarto 2021-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on BPL Mortgages S.r.l., Series V
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Tower Bridge Funding No. 2 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Tower Bridge Funding No. 3 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Tower Bridge Funding No. 4 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades Ratings on Lanterna Finance S.r.l. (2020)
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Ratings on Three UBI RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Castell 2020-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on FT RMBS Prado VIII
- DBRS Morningstar Publishes Updated European RMBS Insight Methodology
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades and Confirms Ratings on Castell 2018-1 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms AAA Ratings of CaixaBank S.A. Covered Bonds
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Berica ABS 4 S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Gemgarto 2018-1 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on FT RMBS Santander 6
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Gemgarto 2021-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on Eight BBVA RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Rating to Bastion 2020-1 NHG B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Rating to Bastion 2021-1 NHG B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Rating to Green Apple 2021-I B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Avon Finance No. 2 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to CaixaBank PYMES 12, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Durham Mortgages A plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of AyT Goya Hipotecario IV and V FTA
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of AyT Goya Hipotecario IV and V FTA
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades and Confirms Ratings on FTA RMBS Santander 2
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of BEST 2010 B.V. Following Amendment
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Dutch Property Finance 2019-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Dutch Property Finance 2020-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Tulip Mortgage Funding 2019-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating on Class A Notes of Essence V B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Ratings on Tower Bridge Funding No. 1 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on 11 European RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to IM BCC Cajamar PYME 3 FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Genesis Mortgage Funding 2019-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Two Popolare Bari RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Ratings on Belmont Green Funding 3 Limited
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Rating on Bastion 2020-1 NHG B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Rating on Bastion 2021-1 NHG B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Avon Finance No. 2 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on CaixaBank PYMES 12, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Durham Mortgages A plc
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on Five European RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on FT RMBS Prado II and FT RMBS Prado IV
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Essence VI B.V. and Essence VII B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms AAA Ratings on Banco Sabadell S.A. Covered Bonds
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms AAA Ratings on Bankia S.A. Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Emilia SPV S.r.l. Following Amendment
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings of IM BCC Cajamar PYME 3 FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms A (high) Ratings on Cajamar Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Cartesian Residential Mortgages 4 S.A.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms A (high) Rating on Liberbank Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms A (high) Rating on Liberbank Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on HT ABANCA RMBS I, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on HT ABANCA RMBS I, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Finsbury Square 2019-2 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating on the Notes Issued by FT RMBS Prado II
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating of HT ABANCA RMBS II, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Downgrades Rating on Magnolia BTV S.r.l. Following Amendment
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Cartesian Residential Mortgages Blue S.A.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Three Rural Hipotecario RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Three Santander Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Tower Bridge Funding 2021-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Tudor Rose Mortgages 2020-1 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms AA Rating on Cajasur Banco S.A. Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on the Notes Issued by Caixabank Consumo 2, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Tower Bridge Funding No. 1 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Tower Bridge Funding No. 2 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Class A Notes Issued by Asti Group PMI S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on BCC NPLs 2019 S.r.l.; Trend Remains Negative
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on the Notes Issued by Caixabank Consumo 3 F.T.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Two CaixaBank RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Tower Bridge Funding 2021-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Tudor Rose Mortgages 2020-1 PLC
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Dutch Property Finance 2020-2 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Dutch Property Finance 2021-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Tulip Mortgage Funding 2020-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Rural Hipotecario XVIII Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Towd Point Mortgage Funding 2019-Granite5 Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Towd Point Mortgage Funding 2019-Vantage2 Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Fucino RMBS S.r.l. and Removes UR-Neg. Status
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on POP NPLs 2019 S.r.l.; Trend Remains Negative
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on the Notes Issued by IM BCC Cajamar PYME 2, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Four RMBS Santander Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades and Confirms Ratings on BPL Mortgages S.r.l., Series VII
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Ratings to Retiro Mortgage Securities DAC, Negative Trends
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating on Class A2 Notes of Quadrivio SME 2018 S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating on Series A Notes of IM BCC Cajamar PYME 2, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Downgrades Ratings on Two CaixaBank PYMES Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings of Dutch Property Finance 2019-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Dutch Property Finance 2020-2 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Dutch Property Finance 2021-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Tulip Mortgage Funding 2020-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on TDA Sabadell RMBS 4, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Securitised Residential Mortgage Portfolio I B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Securitised Residential Mortgage Portfolio I B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Four Rural Hipotecario Spanish RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Four Rural Hipotecario Spanish RMBS Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Downgrades Rating on Prosil Acquisition S.A., Trend Remains Negative
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Cartesian Residential Mortgages 5 S.A.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Cartesian Residential Mortgages 6 S.A.
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to SOL LION II RMBS, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Ratings on Aggregator of Loans Backed by Assets 2015-1 Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Cartesian Residential Mortgages 5 S.A.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms A (high) Rating on Caja Rural de Granada Covered Bonds Programme
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings of Warwick Finance Residential Mortgages Number Four Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating on Series B Notes Issued by IM BCC Cajamar PYME 2, FT
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on SOL LION II RMBS, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Places ISEO SPV S.r.l. Rating of Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms AAA Ratings of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. Covered Bonds
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Cartesian Residential Mortgages Blue S.A.
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on the Notes Issued by Three IM Cajamar Transactions
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Rating to Rural Hipotecario XIX, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Fanes S.r.l. – Series 2020-1 and Removes UR-Neg. Status
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Finsbury Square 2019-1 plc and Finsbury Square 2020-1 plc
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Provisional Rating of Pillar Finance Designated Activity Company
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues Rating of the Class A1 Notes Issued by Credico Finance 18 S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Rating on Rural Hipotecario XIX, Fondo de Titulización
- DBRS Morningstar Places Ratings on IM BCC Capital 1, FT Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades and Confirms Ratings on Towd Point Mortgage Funding 2018-Auburn 12 Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Rating on Class A Notes of Diana SPV S.r.l. at BBB (sf), Negative Trend
- DBRS Morningstar Places Ratings on CaixaBank PYMES 11, FT Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Together Asset Backed Securitisation 2021-CRE1 Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Provisional Ratings to Together Asset Backed Securitisation 2021-CRE2 Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Upgrades Provisional Ratings on Nightingale Securities 2017-1 Limited
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns Rating to Securitised Residential Mortgage Portfolio II B.V. (SRMP II B.V.)
- DBRS Morningstar Finalises Provisional Ratings on Together Asset Backed Securitisation 2021-CRE1 Plc
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns AAA Rating to Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. Covered Bond New Issuance
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns AAA Rating to Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. Covered Bond New Issuance
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns AAA Rating to Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. Covered Bond New Issuance
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms BBB (low) Ratings of Piraeus Bank SA Global Covered Bonds (GCB - Mortgages)
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Class A Notes of Futura 2019 S.r.l. at BBB (sf) and Maintains Negative Trend
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Class A Notes of Juno 2 S.r.l. at BBB (low) (sf) and Maintains Negative Trend
- DBRS Morningstar Maintains Under Review with Negative Implications Status on Popolare Bari NPLS 2017 S.r.l.
- DBRS Morningstar Places 56 Ratings of 17 European RMBS Transactions Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Morningstar Maintains Under Review with Positive Implications Status on Valsabbina SPV 1 S.r.l. (RMBS)
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Discontinues Rating of Fondo de Titulización Structured Covered Bonds UCI Bond
- DBRS Morningstar Maintains Ratings of Five European RMBS Transactions Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Dutch Property Finance 2017-1 B.V. and Dutch Property Finance 2018-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms BBB (high) Ratings of Banca Carige S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 3)
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues and Withdraws Rating of Bankia S.A. Covered Bonds (Cédulas Hipotecarias – Mortgages)
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns AA (low) Rating to Series 17 of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages)
- DBRS Morningstar Upgrades and Confirms Ratings on Dutch Property Finance 2017-1 B.V. and Dutch Property Finance 2018-1 B.V.
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms Ratings on Series Outstanding under Banco BPM Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Popolare Programme 1)
- DBRS Morningstar Discontinues and Withdraws Ratings of Caja Rural de Granada S.C.C. Covered Bonds (Cédulas Hipotecarias - Mortgages)
- DBRS Morningstar Takes Rating Actions on 50 European Structured Finance Transactions Following Finalisation of European Legal Criteria
- DBRS Morningstar Assigns “A” Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 2) Series 41
- DBRS Morningstar Downgrades Ratings on 2Worlds S.r.l., Assigns Negative Trends and Removes Under Review with Negative Implications Status
- DBRS Morningstar Places Four Ratings of Three Italian RMBS Transactions Under Review, Following Release of European RMBS Insight: Italian Addendum
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Downgrades Ratings on Notes Issued by IM BCC Capital 1, FT and Removes Under Review with Negative Implications Status
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms and Downgrades Ratings on Notes Issued by CaixaBank PYMES 11, FT and Removes Under Review with Negative Implications Status
- DBRS Morningstar Confirms AAA Ratings of CaixaBank S.A. Covered Bonds and Assigns AAA Ratings to Bankia S.A. Covered Bond Issuances Assumed by CaixaBank S.A.
- DBRS Morningstar Downgrades Class A Notes of Leviticus SPV S.r.l. to BB (sf), Assigns Negative Trend, and Removes from Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Morningstar Downgrades Class A Notes of ISEO SPV S.r.l. to BBB (low) (sf), Assigns Negative Trend, and Removes from Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Morningstar Places Seven Ratings of Two Dutch RMBS Transactions Under Review with Positive Implications Following Update to European RMBS Insight: Dutch Addendum
- Sebastian Hoepfner
Senior Vice President, European Structured Finance
+49 69 8088 3681 - Rehanna Sameja
Senior Vice President - European RMBS and Covered Bond Ratings
+(44) 20 7855 6677 - Ketan Thaker
Managing Director - European Real Estate & NPL Ratings
+(44) 20 3356 1525 - Christian Aufsatz
Managing Director - European Structured Finance Ratings
+(44) 20 7855 6664
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